Killing the Reddit Addiction
Reddit has to be the most addicting website on the planet. I can't stop myself from going there. It's an OC behavior, I swear. For one thing, it's fast. You can respond on a link in just a couple minutes and far faster than you can respond on Google Groups. For another, the pages load super fast and don't come with a lot of other junk, much like Google. And most of all, it has relevant information going on with the web today, as well as a programming section, so it's like giving candy to a baby. The baby CAN'T STOP!!!
So my advice to you is, don't go there, especially if you're a web developer. Ask yourself, of all the comments you made, did you get anything done? Did you change anyone's minds? Did your life improve dramatically? No, it didn't. You're only coaxing your ego. The better thing to do is to WRITE SOFTWARE. Get back to work on that startup company idea -- that's what I need to do.
And if you want to use it to catch up on the news, only do it once a week.
At Fri Dec 01, 09:56:00 AM MST ,
alexis [kn0thing] said...
I gotta admit, a part of me loves reading these sorts of blog entries...
But do you really want to curb your reddit usage?
At Sat Dec 02, 10:06:00 PM MST ,
supermike said...
I guess not. It's like an addiction. I never thought I would have this kind of addiction before. Now I can understand how someone could be addicted to gambling, when for so long I thought that would be impossible for me to share that kind of addiction. But here it is, and I'm still doing reddit. I can't stop. I think I'm going to have to do this in my /etc/hosts file:
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